Using this tool can help you calculate your weekly payments.
Simply enter the cost of your desired goods and the payback will be displayed.
Established businesses are those which have been trading for more than 3 years.
Different rates in the following bands '£1,000 - £4,999', '£5,000 - £9,999' and'£10,000 - £24,999'.
For deals over £25,000 please contact Time Finance direct for bespoke rates.
Please click relevant tab below :
* You will pay Rental Payments on a monthly basis, with the First Rental Payment due on the date we accept the Lease Agreement with subsequent payments due on the same date in each following month.
The First Rental Payment will consist of an initial 1 month lease charge.
Rates are Subject to Status.
Payments by Direct Debit.
Please note above illustrative quotes do not include any administrative fees.
All figures above exclude VAT.
Additional leasing advice should be sought by an Accountant.